Navigating the Holiday Hustle: A Mom's Guide to Holistic Well-being

'Tis the season to be jolly, but for many moms, the holidays often mean a whirlwind of stress and exhaustion. Between decking the halls, planning festive outings, and ensuring everyone's wish list is fulfilled, it's easy for moms to find themselves spread too thin. This holiday season, let's work on prioritizing our well-being with holistic self-care practices, ensuring that we genuinely savor the season and feel present without feeling burnout.

Unwrap the Gift of Mindfulness

Amidst the chaos of holiday preparations, moms must find moments of mental breaks. Set aside time each day for a few deep breaths, a short meditation session, or a few minutes to write in your gratitude journal. Find something that brings you joy every day; for me, it's taking fifteen minutes in the morning before our daughter wakes up to journal or stretch by our fireplace with a hot cup of coffee or tea in complete silence. Doing that in the morning seriously sets my mental tone for the day. I require a few minutes of silence in the morning!

'Tis the Season to Move

With all the baking and wrapping, forgetting about our bodies is easy. Sneak in short bursts of physical activity throughout the day, whether it's a brisk walk around the neighborhood, a quick squat or push-up session in the kitchen, or a few minutes of mobility. These moments boost your energy and help minimize stress and high cortisol levels. Even if you do ten minutes three times a day, that's thirty minutes. That adds up at the end of the day. Movement doesn't need to be consecutive; studies support shorter bouts of exercise throughout the day.

Connect and Communicate

The holidays can bring forth a rollercoaster of emotions. Find time to connect with loved ones, share your feelings, and listen to theirs. Expressing emotions can be therapeutic, whether a heart-to-heart with a friend, family member, or partner. Remember, vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength that fosters more profound connections.

Master the Art of Time Management

Santa has his list, and so should you! Prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, and embrace the power of 'good enough.' Not every holiday detail needs to be picture-perfect. Give yourself time by letting go of unrealistic expectations and focusing on what truly matters. Think about the "time-suckers" in your life. That could apply to people, thoughts that occupy your head, or scrolling through social media. You do NOT need to be superwoman. Ask for help, stop doing shit that doesn't bring you joy or make you money.

Pamper Yourself, You Deserve It

Amidst the hustle, remember to pamper yourself. Whether it's a hot bath, a cozy cup of tea, or stealing a few quiet moments with a good book, self-care isn't selfish—it's essential. Treat yourself like the holiday queen you are, and your festive spirit will shine even brighter. What is something that you do just for you? Even if it's one hour a week. What is your thing?

Healthy Nutrition Aids in a Healthy Mindset

The holiday season is when so much food goes around, and it's not always the greatest. Focus on getting adequate protein, at least .8-1.2g per pound of lean muscle mass, and eating 3-6 cups of vegetables daily. Slow down when you eat, and enjoy your food. Whatever you do, don't feel guilty. Food doesn't have morality. Some of the best memories involve food. You can also make some of your favorite meals with quality ingredients. I personally love @healthylittlepeach and @eattingbirdfood for recipes and food inspirations. I indulge during the season as well while remaining gluten-free. Jim and I's family even cook gluten-free options for me, which is so thoughtful.

This holiday season, let's redefine the narrative and prioritize self-care. By nurturing our mental, physical, and emotional well-being, we ensure a merrier time for ourselves and create a more joyful and harmonious holiday atmosphere for our loved ones. After all, the true magic of the season lies in the moments we share, and a well-nurtured mom is the secret ingredient to a happy holiday.

Some Extras and My Rated-R Version 

Set boundaries and prioritize saying NO to things. Let me rephrase this, and if you have sensitive ears, stop reading now:

Put your people-pleasing shit to the side; Jane Fonda once said, "No, is a complete sentence." I'm here to remind you that you're not being selfish, self-centered, or being a bitch for saying no to things or turning down events that don't serve you. I'm handing you a permission slip!!!

Also, you don't have to bring a dish to an event if you don't have the time. Okay, I'm on one today; you also don't have to get dressed up if you don't want to. If dressing up brings you joy, tell your partner to watch the kids while you get ready in peace; if you don't have that privilege, set your child/children up in a way that they can entertain themselves, and you can watch them and get ready at the same time. If not, show up in leggings and a messy bun and treat yourself. Seriously, who cares? People who genuinely love you understand life goes in seasons, and sometimes we don't have the energy, which is entirely understandable.

If you find this valuable, please do me a huge favor and share this. If I ask for anything this holiday season, it's to share my content so that other moms can benefit too.

Emily ZwillingComment