How to Build Muscle, How to Burn Fat, and Eating For Your Specific Goals, Episode #41

Muscle mass, strength, and metabolic function are not only necessary for exercise, but also for the activities of everyday life. Evidence proves that having strong, healthy muscles plays an important role in the prevention of chronic diseases. Unfortunately, the phrase “use them or lose them” applies to all of your muscles. A sedentary lifestyle and poor diet significantly increases the rate of muscle mass loss. No matter what age you are, your muscle tissue can be strengthened and even regenerated with the right lifestyle changes.


Reviews from Lauren, Shannon, Jessica, Lexi [1:21]

Why build muscle [4:33]

BMR [4:58]

Essential vs Non-essential Amino Acids [8:43]

Recommended protein intake [8:55]

Meat sweats [9:57]

Hypertrophy Phase [19:38]

Tony Soaib [21:22]

Healthy Body Fat Range [26:38]

Episodes drop every Monday at 5 am. Find us on Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple and ITunes.

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